Transform your Makerspace & Support Your Team Through QR Code Scanning

Scan QR Code for Resources

Transform your Makerspace & Support Your Team

One of the things I’m asked about most often is whether or not I have STEAM or Maker activities that I could share.  What’s interesting is that I’m hearing the same thing among maybe Teacher Librarians (TLs) across the country.  I am always looking for ways to share experiences and get more resources into teachers hands in the most effective manner.

Let’s face it, as educators time is limited but we all want to do the best for our students.  Reflecting upon my own experience teachers would often approach the TL and ask them for activities but then TLs are forced to use their precious time which is valuable.  I have a vision that goes beyond education.  Let me paint a picture.  It’s 3 minutes before the bell and a busy teacher needs something but has limited resources.  What if they could simply walk into the learning commons, or storage cupboard and take out a box which has built in activities ready to go?  How? Check it out below.

Sample Maker Kit

Sample Maker Kit

How it Works?

These are sample “Maker Kits”.  They have a variety of items within them all of which can be purchased from the dollar store.  These low tech options are great for teachers looking for viable activities that encourage design thinking and maker education.  What if there were a series of these kits available and all you have to do is scan the QR code for resources?  This can save teachers valuable time while fostering a positive experience for their students.  These were designed so the teacher doesn’t need to be an expert.  They scan a code and are taken to a video of how to run the given activity based on the materials in the box.  The best part?  This is only the beginning.  Imagine you have a procedure for running a 3D Printer in your class but there are several steps and students sometimes forget.  Now have students can a QR code and students can watch a video outlining all of the required steps.  I have additional kits with EdTech built in.

Scan QR Code for Resources

Scan QR Code for Resources

Beyond Education?

This technology can be utilized anywhere.  Imagine a hospital patient with Alzheimers or dementia.  What if they could simply scan codes around their room in order to carry out their daily activities.  This application makes life easier and more efficient for all.  The potential power is endless.




This is a simply 3 step process

  1. Create a slide deck (PowerPoint, Slides, etc) with detailed instructions, videos, etc.
  2. Link the slide deck to a QR Code
  3. Print the QR Code and attach it to a maker kit or whatever resource you wish

Please watch the Tutorial Videos for how this is easily completed.

Additional if required

Here is an example of a final product I would print and attach to a maker kit.

Sample QR Code Label

Sample QR Code Label





Example of Procedure

Watch the simple video below for how easy it is!

What you need:

Below is the link to the QR Code Generator I use 

QR Code Readers: Any of the following should work well

I really hope you see the power within this approach and if you would be interested in receiving a weekly challenge maker kit QR code and be on the mailing list please send a direct message on twitter to @dtangred 

Thank you as always!

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